Senin, 08 Juni 2020

Process and Descriptive Paragraph


What is process paragraph ?

When yoou explain to so something (such as assamble a bicycle) or hoow something happens (such as how a glacier moves). You use a process to talk about the steps or events. A prosess pragraph is a group of sentence that tells this sequence.

A process paragraph consist of a series of connected steps. The steps mus be logical and are often chronlgical in order. Yu can use time words and translation expressin to mak thee sequence of events or actions clear. Process writing is especially important when yu want to explain the steps necessary to complete  task. Process paragraph ussually demostrate hw to do something.

Two Types of Process Paragraph

  • Process writing is useful when writing on history, business, the sciences, psychology, and many other areas

How to: This gives the reader steps or directions on how he or she can do something.

Explanation: This tells the reader how a particular event occurred or how something works.

Transitional Expressions:

Begining a Process (at)first, initially, begin by

Continuing the Process second, third step, until, after(ward), then, next later, before, when, while, as soon as, as, upon, during, meanwhile

Ending a Process finally, at last 

This is a checklist to help you when writing a Process Paragraph

* Narrow the topic. Think of who you are writing to

* Make a topic sentence that clearly states what your process result will be

* Free write or brainstorm some ideas that might help with the process

* Drop unnecessary information that are not necessary in the process

* Make a outline with the steps of how you will write it.

* Write a draft of the process and use transition expressions to indicate order

* Revise

* Proofread to make sure that you have no errors in grammar or spelling, punctuation, or mechanics


Example :

Ways to make Breaking up Easier

Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend can be easier said than done, but here are five steps that may help the breaking up process. First try to distance yourself by suddenly becoming busier than usual. The next step is to calmly tell the other person that how you are feeling.Then gently let him or her know that you do not want to be together anymore. Then make sure to be sensitive of his or her feelings and answer any questions that he or she may have. For example, if the person starts to cry, use kind words to help comfort him or her. After everything is said and done, take some alone time for your self because everyone has feelings to sort out after a break up. Finally, go out with friends and meet new people. With these five steps it will make the breaking up process smooth for both parties


Descriptive Paragraph

Descriptive paragraph is paragraph which expresses or describes place, thing and person in such vivid detail that the readers can easily visualize the described place, thing and person, or can feel that they involve in the experience.

Some descriptive paragraphs may be technical, for instance, describing about things or place such as car or classroom; on the other hand, it may describe an event or a place and include more figurative language (simile, metaphor etc.) or describe felling or emotion. Therefore, before writing a descriptive paragraph, it is important to consider the purpose and the audience.


Generic Structure

Descriptive paragraph is intended to describe place, person, and thing so that the reader will be able to visualize the descriptions. Writing descriptive paragraph, generally, you have to regard as the following generic structure of descriptive paragraph:  

  •           Identification

Identification is a part in which you identify or write the recognition; moreover, it can be a general statement about place, person, or thing that you want to describe.

  •          Descriptions

Descriptions are vivid detail of place, person, or thing that you want to describe so that the reader can easily imagine or picture the descriptions, or they can feel that they involve in the experience. 

  •           Conclusion

The last part of descriptive paragraph is optional (i.e. it may be included or not). In this part, you conclude the paragraph or restate the identification or general statement.


Characteristics of a Good Descriptive Paragraph

Descriptive paragraph should also possess the following characteristics:

  1. Using imaginative language
  2. Using specific and concrete vocabulary
  3. Involving the reader enough so he/she can actually visualize or picture the things, person or people being described.
  4. Using appropriate transitional phrases so that the paragraph will be well organized and structured.
  5. Considering the purpose and audience of the paragraph.

Example :


Slash is one of my favourite guitar players. Even though his skill is not good enough, his style in playing guitar amazes me. He is tall; moreover, he has white skin with a hairy skull and his name tattooed on his right upper arm. Besides, he has special characteristic that differentiates him with other guitarists. For example, his long black curly hair covered by magician hat and tight skin pants always accompany him when he rocks his fans with ‘Les Paul Gibson’. Instead of these, he also uses some accessories such as rings, silver bangles, skull necklace, and a gold ‘nose ring’ jabbed on the right nostril. To summarize, Slash is very stylish rock guitarist in his period. 

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