Minggu, 14 Juni 2020

Compare contrast and Illustration Paragraph

Compare and contrast Paragraph

Definition of Compare and contrast Paragraph :

Compare and contrast are multi-pa ragraph compositions that explain ways in which two (or occasionally more) subjects are similar and different. In these essays, compare means describing similarities between the subjects. The essay on farmlife versus city would provide at least one paragraph on how people's lives in the city are like the lives of the people that live on a farm. Basically, the comparison tells what they have in common.

When a writer contrasts two things, he or she explains ways in which they are different. After completing a unit of study on where people live, students should be able to provide several details about how life on a farm can be vastly different from life in a city.

Again, compare and contrast essays can cover almost any topic and may pop up in a variety of subject areas. In order to make decisions about what to include, writers need to keep one thing in mind: relevance. Relevance helps determine which characteristics are worth comparing and contrasting. Your thesis will help you determine the relevance, or irrelevance, of facts. That means writers need a strong thesis statement.

How to write Compare and contrast Paragraph:

1.      Choose your Subject

2.      Brainstorm Similarities and Differences

3.      Hone in on Your Main Argument

4.      Decide on Your Organizational Structure

5.      Write an Outline

6.      Fill in Supporting Evidence

7.      Craft Your Essay with Strong Transitional Words

8.      Proofread and revise carefully


Illustration Paragraph

Definition Of Illustration Paragraph :

An illustration paragraph, or an illustrative paragraph is one written to illustrate a point with examples. It consists of a topic sentence followed by specific examples arranged in some order. Transition phrases such as "for example' or "for instance" and "another illustration is" are often used.

Discovering this form of academic writing at an early stage of education provides the necessary skills for writing a dissertation in the future. In terms of developing arguments based on solid facts and research. Apart from this, succeeding at writing an illustration essay is a great opportunity to boost your GPA. Learning to illustrate ideas and facts in academic form enables you to get into a way of thinking which improves the way you deal with debates and disputes.

How to write Illustratiom Paragraph:

1.      Choose a topic

2.      Conduct some research 

3.      Write an outline. 

4.      Work on content. 

5.      Proofread

6.      Final check. 











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